Understanding Your "Thing"
I remember growing up and seeing other kids around me and people before me have their “thing”. You know, the “thing” that is theirs which they’re really good at, excel in and becomes their identity. For some, it’s music, fashion, sports, or cooking. For others it may be writing, teaching, building, etc.
I struggled for years to figure out what my “thing” was. I looked under every rock. Always had my finger in every pie. Starting and not finishing things. Wanting to be the expert at everything I tried only to lose interest eventually and set it down for a while. In some cases, never revisit it. Much of the time, when I started something I was really excited about, it was other people’s opinions that I allowed to refocus my attention elsewhere. For them to be my own intuition to validate that what I was doing and passionate about was my calling is. I was looking for someone else to validate my choices. Or, somehow I talked myself out of being interested in that thing – “it’s too hard”, “I’m not good at it”, “it’s going to take forever for me to get as good as others at this thing”.
One day I realized, nothing is necessarily our calling other than to serve and to express ourselves completely. We choose whether we are passionate about something or not. We find reasons to love something or hate it. We create excuses or we create the mindset that keeps us passionate and committed.
I guess you could say my “thing” is questioning everything and finding truths to share with people. I believe the truth to this matter is that we came here with one purpose: to remember who we are and to live our lives to our fullest expression. I think we’re supposed to try any and everything and explore. After all, the world is our playground.
We are multidimensional beings so diversity in our interests and passions just means our spirit is experiencing the 3D world from every possible angle. I believe, the more diverse our interest, the more diverse our mindsets and the more room for connection.
So, my message to you is this: if you’re struggling to figure out who you are, what you’re passionate about, and what you’re purpose is – stop. Stop struggling. Once you stop struggling to find answers and just allow them, you begin to float. It’s a law. Once you begin to float, you begin to flow yourself in your own body and mind. The concerns of others and trying to satisfy their expectations of you float away. The concerns of trying to figure something out drift out of your mind and you begin to realize that you are just a very interested person willing to learn and try anything.
You understand the things that keep coming back to you no matter how many rocks you’ve tried to look under are merely just the things you made an agreement with that are in alignment with who you are at your core. Hold onto those things and explore them. Then, allow your internal guiding system to tell you what to do next.