Your Sexual Energy



SEXUAL (ORGASMIC) ENERGY?There was a phrase coined back in the 1940’s and its origin comes from a man named Wilheim Reich.

  • That phrase I am speaking of is Orgone Energy.
  • Reich experimented on subjects that needed healing from self inflicted diseases.
  • Reich believed that human sexuality expressed through an orgasm was the ultimate expression of mental and physical well-being, and that to harness the orgasmic power would allow one to gain control of the one true “universal life force,” or “orgone.”
  • He claimed to have discovered that life force in 1939 in New York through experiments done on mice. (
  • More surreally, Reich also claimed to have seen orgone in the night sky, thanks to a specialized telescope he called an “organoscope.
  •   “)In Reich’s perception, orgone is not unlike oxygen in both its fundamentality and intangibility.
  •   In orgone loss (or suppression, as the case may be), Reich saw the source of mental illness, cancer, and virtually any other manner of disease.
  • In orgone, he saw the universal cure.
  • Obviously the recent findings and studies conducted in quantum physics validate Reich’s theory of a unified field in which we are all connected.
  • How does this all relate to sexual energy?
  • The answer is simple, suppression, Reich’s theory was when we cut ourselves off from expressing our true sexual energy we lose our life force.
  • Now woman have a plethora of zones in their bodies and they require more subtle intentional touch, caressing, intimacy and arousal as the studies show for at minimum at least 4 minutes.
  • This is because of the vagina and clitoris sensitivity and neuro connection to the woman’s brain and her body.
  • The sexual suppression can not only be seen through a man or a woman’s gait as they walk but it can felt in energy expressed from their heart or lack thereof.
  • Sexuality and anxiety are functions of the living organism operating in opposite directions.
  • Your psychic health as it was called over a century ago depends on orgastic potency.
  • This is the degree to which one can surrender to and experience the climax of excitation in the natural sexual act.
  • It is founded upon the healthy character attitude of the individuals capacity for love.
  • Psychic illnesses are the result of a disturbance of the natural ability to love.
  • The essential requirements needed to cure psychic disturbances is the re-establishment of the natural capacity for love.
  • It is dependent on social as well as psychic conditions.
  • Chemical conditions must be harmonious and proper food and adequate water should be present in the body to maintain sexual harmony.
  • As a child if we are taught to suppress our sexuality and curiosity we grow into adults who suppress there sexuality and curiosity.
  • Leading to a person who cannot without condition surrender to love.
  • This is big because the majority of religions teach you that sexuality is not to be expressed or even talked about as this is looked down upon as something bad.
  • When I state sexuality and curiosity I am not talking in a a perverse manner I am talking in a way of sexual freedom and exploration of oneself.
  • Masturbation practices are ancient and have been around for thousands of years as a technique used to increase your energy and raise your vibration, hence the name for sexual toy the vibrator.
  • It is your duty to be well and be joyful and be merry, not to suppress yourself from receiving love and receiving pleasure.
  • Lastly, once you get to a full battery charge from sexual activity however you choose, you explode in a climax of excitation with pleasure and that’s your discharge creating a field of energy around you.
  • If you orgasm during intercourse you and your sexual partner create a field of energy around yourselves creating what is called an orgasm loop that raises your vibration and creates in the field.
  • Your suppression of your sexual energy will cause you to block the energy distributed within your own body, leading to disease and discomfort and most of all disharmony.
  • Praying with ones partner and saying affirmations together has also been known to increase intimacy and the sexual relationship between partners.
  • When you let whatever limiting beliefs that are holding you back from receiving the infinite love go, the energy of the orgone which is everywhere all the time is there to comfort you and bring you back to harmony with yourself.