How Does Your Energy Body Function?

You are an energetic being, and in order to increase your energy you must consume things that give you energy.

Diet & Nutrition Tips To Enhance Your Energy Body

  • The higher the quantity of angstroms a food gives off, the higher the energy of the food.
  • When you eat fresh, organic, uncooked and unprocessed foods, the high electromagnetic energy of that food is transferred to your body and its cells.
  • Instead of looking at diet and nutrition in calories and protein and carbs, we teach you to view it in angstroms. “
  • Our true sustenance is the life force of the food itself, and the foods with the most intense life-enhancing energy are those that come from plants and trees.
  • One of the laws of physics in this universe is the law of balance, homeostasis.
  • The low energy of some foods will lower your systemic energy creating hypoactive or underactive tissue.
  • The more energetic the foods are that you eat, the more vibrant and healthy you become.
  • As we increase the energy of our physical body, we are also lifted up emotionally and consciously.
  • So a person in good health should have a vibration of at least 6500 angstroms.
  • Having a great PH balance for your cells which 7.35 to 7.55 is most efficient for your body because your body is a community of cells.
  • Feeding that community the most optimal diet you can for them to perform well in turn makes you perform well.
  • The concept of what happens when your body is to acidic is acidosis.
  • The body needs to maintain a balance of acidity and alkalinity for optimal health, but when the body becomes either too acidic or too alkaline, this can cause serious health problems.

How To Measure The Energy In Your Food

  • Here is an example of a chart showing the simple relationship of PH to sickness and health.
  • Now diet does not mean only food, it is your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and perceptions as well as food and water that regulate your bodies charge for optimum performance.
  • What many people don’t know is throughout US history the government has attempted to regulate the intake of what people eat for optimum health.
  • The Angstrom energy of Foods can be divided into four general classes: Category 1: Foods that have wave lengths between 6,500 and 10,000 angstroms, (regarded as those of the highest quality).
  • Mature fruits and fruit juices obtained from squeezing (made fresh and immediately consumed). (
  • 8000 – 10,000) Raw fresh vegetables (8000 – 9000) Olive, sweet almonds, sunflower seeds, coconut, peanuts and hazelnuts Raw sea fish and shellfish Whole grain cereals, flour and bread Some foods are superior only if consumed at the time of production like raw milk (8500), butter and eggs.
  • Category 2: 3,000 angstroms to 6.500 (medium quality) Cooked vegetables (4000 – 6500) Not fresh milk, butter, and eggs Honey Cooked fish Peanut oil Wine Category 3: very weak radiations below 3,000 angstroms Coffee, tea Chocolate Jams Cheeses (1800) White bread (1500) Category 4: exhibits practically no energy (dead matter) Margarine Pasteurized milk Conserves Alcoholic spirits Cooked meats, sausages Refined white sugar and bleached flour They are many things that individuals have not yet connected about their diet and its really simple.
  • Everything is connected so when you consume something, how something is processed and made and come to you and the energies that were around it all matter.
  • The process of getting to you is essential because it holds the energy in preparation from the time you consume it from your plate to putting it in your mouth and your body.
  • Now lets connect the food you eat with the energy you have.
  • For starters even this diet you see above you has large quantities of vegetables, grain, then fruits, grains, dairy, and protein.
  • Did you know that your body is made up of protein already, and that all protein comes from plants?

Eating Acidic VS Alkaline Foods

  • You will see the more acidic foods in the above chart and the more alkaline foods in the chart above.
  • The diet you consume should be consumed based on truth so if you understand that everything you take in around you affects you then you will eat more with the intention of fueling your energetic body and increasing your aura then eating for greed and depleting your fuel reserves and diminishing your aura.
  • It is really simple, when you eat what’s alive you become more alive and when you eat what’s dead, your moving towards death.
  • Your thoughts play a key roll in all of this exchange of energy, the systems of sound, frequency, and vibration are what shapes the universe and makes us into existence here in this 3d world.
  • We communicate with animals through sound, frequency, and vibration and all things around us are living and communicate in that way as well

Uncommon Food Notes You Should Know

  • Interesting Food notes: Bananas are probably the only fruit that increases in nutrition and sugars, and consequently in electromagnetic energy AFTER they have been picked unripe.
  • Vegetables are most radiant when fresh from the garden, losing about one third of their potency by the time they reach the store, and two thirds when cooked.
  • The effects of Food Processing are disastrous.
  • Sun-dried fruit was found to retain its vitality and, if soaked in water for twenty-four hours, would radiate almost as strongly as when freshly picked!
  • Some waters, such as the famous healing waters of Lourdes, are found to radiate as high as 14,000 angstroms.

Dis-ease caused by acidosis are listed:

  • Now here’s a simple list of dis-eases in certain areas of the body, what is not listed is reproductive organs which are no different than any other part of the body, the penis and the vagina both can overproduce mucus as well as any other part of the body.
  • You yourself may have now or in the past suffered from any of these ailments or know someone or of someone that has.
  • Take a look at the examples and see if it resonates with you.
  • Examples of Dis-eases As A Result of Mucus Hypersecretion Due To High Acidity In The Body Brain – neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson’s, and reduced mental clarity and brain fog.
  • Lungs – Creates excess mucus production in your body, manifested as coughing, breathing trouble, chest pain, fatigue, sinus issues, asthma
  • Heart – Acidic plaques causing heart attacks, strokes, and cardiovascular disease
  • Liver/Kidneys – they are the most susceptible to acidic damage, causes inflammation, ulcers, stones, and cancers
  • Stomach – excess gas, nausea, indigestion, acid reflux, bloating, bad breath, belching Intestines – indigestion, reduced nutrient absorption, (vitamin/mineral deficiencies) bloating, candida
  • Skin – Chronic acidosis results in eczema, acne, rashes and dermatitis, and other random breakouts
  • Bones – strips our bones of crucial minerals like calcium that help buffer acidic overload in the body.
  • This results in brittle bones, osteoporosis, and arthritis.
  • Joints –  A joint is where two bones meet to allow movement of body parts.
  • Arthritis means joint inflammation caused by tissue acidosis.
  • The joint inflammation or acids of rheumatoid arthritis causes swelling, pain, stiffness, and redness in the joints.
  • The acid caused inflammation of rheumatoid disease can also occur in tissues around the joints, such as the tendons, ligaments, and muscles