The body’s sewer system disposes of waste from the trillions of cells that make up the person you call yourself.
Mucus Hypersecretion/Overproduction Is The Result Of An Acidic Environment Within The Body, And Blockages In Your Lymphatic System Cause Inflammation, Acidic Pain, And A Decrease In Your Immunity. Kidney Filtration Is Essential In Optimizing Your Lymphatic Systems Performance.
Consuming a mental diet of unconditional love, abundance, relaxation, and gratitude, and a food diet of raw living foods, fruits, and vegetables, will alkalize and purify your body.
Alkalign Lifestyle Is More Than A Diet Plan, It’s A Knowledge That Puts You Back Into The Flow Of Energy.
Lymphatic fluid movement supports critical functions throughout the body, including clearance of excess fluid and metabolic waste and regulating tissue immunity.
Tissues Lacking Traditional Lymphatic Capillaries Develop Alternative Means Of Waste Clearance And Immune Surveillance, Such As Schlemm’s Canal And A Glymphatic Clearance System.
Blood Capillaries Provide A Constant Influx Of Plasma, Which Percolates Around Cells, Dispersing Nutrients And Removing Waste Products.
Glymphatic System Function
The glymphatic system is a recently discovered macroscopic waste clearance system that utilizes a unique system of perivascular channels,
It’s formed by astroglial cells, to promote efficient elimination of soluble proteins and metabolites from the central nervous system.
It functions to help distribute non-waste compounds, such as glucose, lipids, amino acids, and neurotransmitters related to volume transmission, in the brain.
The glymphatic system functions mainly during sleep and is largely disengaged during wakefulness.
Recent studies indicate that glymphatic function is suppressed in various diseases
It’s known that failure of glymphatic function contributes to pathology in neurodegenerative disorders, traumatic brain injuries, and strokes.