Why I Went Plant-Based
Why I Went Plant Based I remember years ago obsessively researching human and pet health and solutions for helping my dog Jade and I live healthy lives. I began finding articles on natural solutions for both humans and pets and I started seeing missing links to the convention wisdom I had been handed down by […]
Transforming the Mind, Body, and Soul With Solfeggio Frequencies
Transofroming the Mind, Body, And Soul With Solfeggio Frequencies Did you know, our bodies are comprised of 7 primary energy centers (or chakras) and each one carries with it a match to a Solfeggio sound frequency that is scientifically proven to heal the body of energetic blockages? In this Journal entry, I will take you […]
Welcome to Your Subconscious Mind

Welcome To Your Subconscious Mind Have you ever stopped to ask yourself the question, “Why am I not living the life I truly want?” It’s not your genetics nor is it bad luck. You are not a victim, so throw that idea out the window! It’s the mental programming you acquired during the first 6-7 […]
How I Learned to Be A Self-Empowered Healer
How I Learned To be A Self Empowered Healer Years ago, I struggled with my mental health and even my physical health. I was constantly visiting doctor’s offices and taking the next prescription paper over to the pharmacy believing this is just the way of life. I believed I wasn’t in control of my health […]