A Fruit Only Diet Combined With Our Alkalizing Herbs Reverses Diabetes & All Autoimmune Diseases
Fruits are the greatest cleansers of the mind and body and they will heal your diabetes type 1 and 2 when combined with alkalizing herbs. Research in recent years has supported our claim and here’s a simple breakdown as to why. Now as far as sugar go you have three main bases of sugars. There’s galactose that comes from a women’s breast for feeding, you have fructose which is naturally occurring in your fruits and then you have glucose which is naturally occurring in your vegetables. Keeping up with the alkalign lifestyle’s measurements of angstroms your fruits, which produce fructose, yield 10-12 000 angstroms of energy and your glucose, or your raw vegetables, yield around 9,000 angstroms of energy. Fruits are a great food stuff. You can heal diabetes one and two by consuming fructose and herbs to stimulate and electrify your body’s system.
An important part of the pancreas is the islets of Langerhans, also called islands of Langerhans. These are cell clusters in the pancreas that form the endocrine part of that organ. They secrete insulin and other hormones into the bloodstream. They are named after the German scientist Paul Langerhans, who discovered them in 1869
We are talking about cells and the endocrine system, now, as this is the controller of the release of insulin. Insulin here in the case of diabetes acts like a key. Many people suffering from type 1 diabetes have to manually inject themselves with this insulin throughout the day to get the effects of it because their system is not communicating with the rest of their body to release the insulin naturally. I had an aunt who suffered from type 1 diabetes and endured this process for the majority of her life.
Now here’s why healing diabetes with an all-fruit diet and herbs makes the most sense. When you eat fruits, A.K.A. fructose, it bypasses the pancreas all together which in turn bypasses the islands of langerhans. Which again is the region of the pancreas that holds the endocrine cells. You have the alpha cells which produce glycogen, and you have the beta cells that produce insulin. Then you have the delta cells that produce somatostatin. Let’s take a moment to understand the function of somatostatin.
The primary function of somatostatin is to prevent the production of other hormones in your endocrine system and certain secretions in your exocrine system. Your endocrine system consists of glands that release hormones directly into your bloodstream.
Endocrine glands include your thyroid, pituitary gland and adrenal glands. Your exocrine system consists of glands that release substances through a duct. Exocrine glands include salivary glands, sweat glands and glands within the gastrointestinal tract.
Basically, somatostatin works to turn off the faucet and the flow of certain hormones and secretions when your body doesn’t need them (temporarily) anymore.
Somatostatin also stops the unnatural rapid reproduction of cells such as those that may form tumors. In addition, somatostatin acts as a neurotransmitter in your central nervous system. A neurotransmitter is a signaling molecule that a neuron releases to affect another cell.
In order to actually break down glucose and put glucose in the blood to penetrate a cell this function requires insulin. That’s what insulin does. Insulin is a key that takes glucose and unlocks the cellular membrane. Then the cell swallows the glucose, eats it, and the glucose gets broken down and metabolized by something called the mitochondria.
A mitochondrion is an organelle found in the cells of most eukaryotes, such as animals, plants and fungi. Mitochondria have a double membrane structure and use aerobic respiration to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is used throughout the cell as a source of chemical energy, ADP ( adenosine diphosphate) and AMP (adenosine monophosphate) and.
Exercise is great for this aerobic respiration process because it affects the heart. The heart has the highest mitochondria concentration of any body tissue. Because it is the organ with the highest energy metabolism rate.
What fuels the herb and fruit healing process is carbon. All carbon is just sugar, meaning sugar breaks down into carbon which is a key element that you’re made of coming from the periodic table. You’re made up of four main elements which are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.
What happens is you eat some sugar and once the sugar gets converted in the body it is CHO, known commonly as carbohydrates. The conversion takes out of that hydrogen because hydrogen is acidic. Once you take the hydrogen out of the CHO it’s just carbon and oxygen, which is alkaline. So, sugar is essentially alkaline. What’s not alkaline is when the sugar is taken out of, for example, a corn because corn has natural fructose and then it is burned. This burning changes the chemical composition of the corn because fire is put into it.
Here, we now get into chemical processes. The moment you put fire to any substance it changes the chemical composition of it. Now, it becomes heightened. This is what’s called high fructose corn syrup. For example, many popular candies like Hershey’s Cookies ‘N’ Creme Bars, Reese’s Take 5, and Baby Ruth bars all contain HFCS. Popular soft drinks, including Coca-Cola, Mountain Dew, and A&W Root Beer, are all sweetened with HFCS. Here’s a link to many foods that have HFCS as well. 12 Common Foods with High Fructose Corn Syrup (healthline.com)
Now, the corn, which is no longer a fructose becomes a dextrose. Or in some cases a pentose, which is a five-sugar phosphate called sucrose. These things are referred to as polysaccharides, which in excess are harmful to us. Monosaccharides are what’s in your fruits and vegetables. Polysaccharides are often used in combination with proteins to obtain desirable
textural and sensory properties in vegan foods like, for instance, your Beyond and Impossible meats and other faux plant meat and plant dairy products via phase separation and interactive mechanisms.
Now, back to the fruits A.K.A fructose. If you are diabetic and your pancreas is down because it has a fluke worm, a fasciolopsis buski worm, a hookworm, or a threat worm – it’s common to find parasites inside of the pancreas when somebody is suffering from diabetes. You may find that mucus is down or the adrenals are down because the adrenals are in control of something called the autonomic nervous system. The prefix to autonomic is auto. Things that run on autopilot like, digestion, the flickering of your eyes, your breathing in your lung capacity, your heartbeat are all on autopilot. All of these are controlled by the parasympathetic and sympathetic autonomic nervous system.
Your pancreas yielding insulin is a nervous system issue because the adrenal glands are down and the reason why the adrenals are down is because you’re stressed and you’re eating the wrong foods. These foods are creating toxins and byproducts that you’re not getting out of your body. You have to open up the lymphatic system and the kidneys to filtrate all of that toxemia out of your system. Even sweating it out through your skin is helpful and that isn’t working because your skin is also controlled by your brain.
Now that’s the pancreas being down. So, what foods can you eat that won’t break down the glucose? The only other food that you have is fructose! Now, would you be glucose-low for a couple days due to the switch? Yes, because you’re introducing your body to a new sugar, but it’s a naturally occurring sugar by God/Yahwe.
So, you have two types of digestion, you have pancreas digestive enzymes that break down the actual glucose. Not only that, but the pancreas yields the islands of langerhans to turn insulin into a key to bring glucose to the cells so you have energy. Fructose completely bypasses the pancreas and instead takes a lipid route. This lipid route is through the liver and it’s called cellular infusion where the actual sugar will infuse itself in the cell and not use the pancreas.
The metabolism of dietary fructose to yield energy is known as fructolysis. The process of fructolysis utilizes most of the same enzymes and metabolic intermediates as the glycolysis pathway. However, in contrast to glucose, which metabolizes directly throughout the body, fructose metabolizes predominantly in the liver. It directs toward the replenishment of liver glycogen and the synthesis of triglycerides.[3][4]
As a result, fructose metabolism produces the same ATP as glucose which is the energy you use. However, that fructose enters glycolysis without going through the energy investment step of traveling through the pancreas; as a result, it yields one extra ATP. Biochemistry, Fructose Metabolism – StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov)
There have been plenty of public research articles in the last two years that have determined that high fructose corn syrup and other methods of altering the fruit sugars are harmful to people. So, stimulating the body’s 12 systems with our electrifying and alkalizing herbs combined with the 12 major mineral cell salts we infused into our all-natural herbal formula is correctly helping the body metabolize and create the energy you need to thrive.
Changing the body’s water to a negative ORP or living water charged with negative ions from the earth is ideal for proper digestion. A grounding mat or grounding cable hooked up to a part of the body while sleeping and daily while working also helps move the flow of energy and improve absorption. Finally, a diet of majority very electrical fruits like berries, grapes and melons and some dark leafy greens and other vegetables has been shown to reduce the effects of diabetes in several clinical studies to this day.
Diabetes like any other autoimmune disease is a result of stress and suppression of the autonomic nervous system which controls the release of insulin to the body to help the body absorb its foods and create the ATP needed to flourish. Consuming high fructose corn syrup and other chemically altered polysaccharides is harmful to the body and we advise minimal to no consumption of foods containing these substances.
With Gratitude,
Fidelis Anoka II
We hope this helps to dispel the myths set out by allopathic medicine that eating fruits and vegetables are harmful to the body and the sugars in fruits and vegetables are bad. Only processed sugars in foods and other unnatural sugars should not be consumed heavily in order to maintain great health and avoid autoimmune disease.