Harmonizing Your Energetic Relationships

  • The truth is you were sent here to earth to provide service to others, and that includes your partner.
  • You are here to make products and services that better the other beings all around you and send great energy and vibes to those other beings, yes including your partner.
  • We have researched successful relationships through and dissected marriage and found the common factors.
  • When do you actually know your married?
  • Have you ever wondered when you see two people in a relationship why they look relatively the same, walk the same, gesture the same?
  • If the woman is mentally fit, then the man is usually fit in some way.
  • When a couples brains are aligned through entanglement and they are on the same frequency together.
  • That’s because you yourself are the matrix and your mind and body works on the system of sound, frequency, and vibration.
  • So when you are in a romantic relationship you usually begin on the same level of frequency.
  • What happens when one partner in the relationship goes to another frequency?
  • Well this is quite simple, once one person or the other, either man to woman, woman to man, woman to woman or man to man it doesn’t matter, energetically in there mind moves to another frequency then that person for the time being is not attracted to the partner in that married way.
  • You begin to grow apart simply because because people change.
  • Growth to one person may not equal growth to the other person.
  • Unless an understanding to surrender your belief system to that system of the creator energy, you may be in for tough time in your relationship.
  • No matter what is done to the individual or what is said to them they have moved on to a different brain station, and only a change of perception of the other person will bring them back.
  • You can be a billionaire in a relationship with no prenup agreement, it doesn’t matter the circumstances, they have moved on.
  • Instead of being one that attracts to you the person, because of bitterness and envy or jealousy, you become one that repels.
  • Most men and women who cheat don’t do so with a super model, they do it with somebody who’s vibrating at there same level of frequency than there current relationship partners level of frequency.
  • What is cheating really?
  • When you realize that you have no ownership over another and your expectations will never be met for anybody else besides yourself, you decide to live your best life as your greatest self, and that puts you in the highest level of vibration.
  • Your obligation in this world is to keep growing bigger and moving forward towards unity with the creator.
  • If you are with a partner who is stunting your growth because of there thoughts of lack, there limiting beliefs, and there pessimistic and negative mental attitude,  you can choose to leave that frequency they are on and find another partner on a higher level of frequency.
  • You have that right to be happy with yourself before your happy with another.
  • That partner can be your previous partner, it just requires an upgrade in their consciousness for you to continue to move forward together.
  • There’s really no such thing as infidelity then because energy doesn’t lie.
  • You can open your heart up as much as you desire, if you are in growth mode and the other person is not you will soon grow apart.
  • If your mindset is self destructive, argumentative, jealous, and or judgmental and your partner makes the agreement to join you on that level of frequency, you both will spiral downward to self sabotaging yourselves instead of prospering upward.
  • Subconscious programming is the usual culprit behind negative perceptions.
  • I believe its what makes people resort back to their old ways and why they struggle to let go of the old image they see of themselves.
  • It allows them to be comfortable in their limitation and makes them resistant to risk taking.
  • The point I am making, is every person in this world is talented and can be talented in anything they choose, but due to there level of subconscious programming, they struggle to ever make anything of themselves and there lives and relationships suffer.
  • Its a hindrance you can overcome, if you or your partner is struggling with negativity and believing in yourselves in anyway, you plant seeds of greatness within them, and enhance those seeds by celebrating mightily there great deeds, and risk taking and fearlessness and bringing attention to when they are beings lesser version of themselves so they can become aware.
  • I promise you they feel the lesser version of themselves from themselves often enough, it does no good to blame them even more.
  • Your energy will always find a perfect match to it when you let it, it doesn’t need any help of your expectations for another.
  • It needs you to energetically be the authentic version of you, whatever that maybe so that gives your partner the invitation to do the same.
  • When you both do this your alignment is inevitable and then your surrendering to the creator energetic frequency which is that if unconditional love is all that is needed.