Changing Your Mindset

What Is Natural Law
- The Oxford dictionary defines natural law as an observable law relating to natural phenomena.
- These laws govern everything that happens in the universe.
- They are not good or bad, positive or negative.
- They are neutral and exact.
- In the movie The Secret, Bob Proctor quoted Dr. Wernher von Braun, who said, “The natural laws of the universe are so precise that we have no difficulty building spaceships to fly to the moon and can time the landing with the precision of a fraction of a second.”
- Our problem is, we don’t bring this knowledge into our own life.
- We aren’t aware that these precise laws are also operating in our life, constantly dictating the results we get.
- And we don’t understand that, because of these laws, everything we want will come to us when we get in harmony with it.
The Law Of Attraction
- The Law of Attraction The Law of Attraction focuses on using your thoughts and feelings to dictate what you attract into your life.
- Attraction is a force acting mutually between particles of matter, tending to draw them together and resisting their separation.
- The Law of Attraction has gotten plenty of attention over the past 15 years because of The Secret.
- However, you can’t apply this law without also understanding the Law of Vibration because the two laws are intimately connected.
- You see, the Law of Vibration is the primary law, and the Law of Attraction is the secondary law because vibration is what causes attraction.
- Remember, everything in the universe is vibrating.
- Your thoughts, which are vibrating at a particular frequency, lead to your feelings, and it is the combination of the two that dictate your body’s vibration.
- And your feelings, which dictate your body’s vibration, attract people and things to you that are a vibrational match (like attracts like).
- While it is accurate to say that your thoughts become things, it is more precise to say that your vibration becomes things because ultimately, it is your vibration that dictates what you are drawing into your life.
- The Law of Attraction works by the totality of the vibration we send out, not merely by what we say we want.
The Law Of Vibration
- The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe is in a constant state of movement.
- We refer to these movements as vibration, and the speed or rate at which something vibrates is called its frequency.
- The only difference between one object and another is the rate of its vibration.
- Your body, on the other hand, vibrates at an extremely high rate.
- Our thoughts, like everything else in the universe, are energy.
- And they vibrate at different frequencies depending on the nature of the thought.
- Our thoughts are cosmic waves that are so powerful that they penetrate all space and time.
- And our thoughts and feelings control the vibration of our body.
- We have the power to dictate the frequency of our being by choosing and directing our thoughts.
- Your emotional states dictate the vibration that your body is in.
- And, to a large extent, these vibrations dictate how you experience life because they set up resonance with anything that is on the same frequency.
- When you express the feelings of sadness you will undoubtedly receive more experiences in your life that confirm your sadness, and when you express the feelings of joy and gratitude you will receive the experiences that confirm your joy and gratitude.
- You can either raise the immune system and/ or lower it.
How To Use The Laws To Manifest What You Want
- How to Use Vibration to Manifest What You Want Understanding the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction will help you manifest the life you want faster – and with a lot less struggle.
- The Law of Vibration is always looking to match up people, things, and experiences that match your vibration.
- When you feel grateful and maintain that feeling, you raise your vibration, and you attract more to be thankful for.
- The Law of Attraction can bring to you only what you are matched up with.
- If you feel anxious and live with a lot of fear, frustration, and anger, your vibration is not a match with peace and joy.
- The Laws are exact—you can’t attract joy when you live in fear and anxiety.
- The great news is that you can choose what vibration you want to live in by consciously choosing your thoughts.
- Most people don’t choose their thoughts.
- As a result, they remain bound to those circumstances because they’re on the same frequency.
- By deliberately choosing your vibration, you can use the law to match up with anything you want.
- Since everything is energy, we can match up with that energy to manifest it.
- We can match with the energy of abundance, success, or love, but we have to choose to do so.
- Start by identifying the energy and the feeling that you want.
- Then, “fall in love” with that idea using visualization, a goal card, affirmations—whatever works for you.
- When you’re in love with something, you’re in resonance with it.
- Your thoughts, feelings, and actions are aligned, meaning they are all operating on the same frequency.
- In creating that image and feeling within yourself, you invoke the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction deliberately.
- I want to suggest that you study this and make every effort to understand that you will attract whatever you are in harmonious vibration with.
- You don’t attract what you want; you attract who you are.
- Change your vibration, and you can change your entire experience of the world.
- If your diet consists of acidic foods and acidic thoughts feelings and emotions you will eventually run into some issues.
- Namely dis-ease, Alkaline Way historian Dr Robert Morse describes dis-ease as ,”simply a name to the respective symptom or collection of symptoms that occurs when acids damage the cells of the body.
- The names of dis-eases may seem complex but just understand that they are simply location, location, location.

How Your Thoughts Affect Your Physical Body
- Here is another chart above describing the feelings and emotional response to the body and what it does to your PH.
- So what does an acidic food diet do to you, it feeds your cells more acidity, that’s your community that makes you whole.
- So once your compromised from a cellular level every part of you is compromised.
- Your body begins to create mucus hypersecretion, which the overproduction of mucus in your body.
- This over production of mucus causes diseases within the body, and what your thoughts, feelings, and emotions are consistently on will be the areas that this mucus will manifest dis-ease.

Use Your Brain Waves To Reprogram Your Subconsious
- DELTA (0.1 to 3.5 Hz)
The lowest frequencies are delta.
These are less than 4 Hz and occur in deep sleep and in some abnormal processes.
It is the dominant rhythm in infants up to one year of age and it is present in stages 3 and 4 of sleep.
It tends to be the highest in amplitude and the slowest waves.
We increase Delta waves in order to decrease our awareness of the physical world.
We also access information in our unconscious mind through Delta.
Peak performers decrease Delta waves when high focus and peak performance are required.
However, most individuals diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, naturally increase rather than decrease Delta activity when trying to focus.
The inappropriate Delta response often severely restricts the ability to focus and maintain attention.
It is as if the brain is locked into a perpetual drowsy state.
Another way to look at Delta is to imagine you are driving in a car and you shift into 1st gear….you’re not going to get anywhere very fast.
So Delta would represent 1st gear.
- THETA (4-8 Hz)
The next brainwave is theta.
Theta activity has a frequency of 3.5 to 7.5 Hz and is classed as “slow” activity.
It is seen in connection with creativity, intuition, daydreaming, and fantasizing and is a repository for memories, emotions, sensations.
Theta waves are strong during internal focus, meditation, prayer, and spiritual awareness.
It reflects the state between wakefulness and sleep and relates to the subconscious mind.
It is abnormal in awake adults but is perfectly normal in children up to 13 years old.
It is also normal during sleep.
Theta is believed to reflect activity from the limbic system and hippocampal regions.
Theta is observed in anxiety, behavioral activation and behavioral inhibition.
When the theta rhythm appears to function normally it mediates and/or promotes adaptive, complex behaviors such as learning and memory.
Under unusual emotional circumstances, such as stress or disease states, there may be an imbalance of three major transmitter systems, which results in aberrant behavior.
Back to our car example, Theta would be considered 2nd gear.
Not as slow as 1st gear (Delta) but still not very fast.
- ALPHA (8-12 Hz)
Alpha waves are those between 8 and 12(Hz).
Good healthy alpha production promotes mental resourcefulness, aids in the ability to mentally coordinate, enhances overall sense of relaxation and fatigue.
In this state you can move quickly and efficiently to accomplish whatever task is at hand.
When Alpha predominates most people feel at ease and calm.
Alpha appears to bridge the conscious to the subconscious.
It is the major rhythm seen in normal relaxed adults – it is present during most of life especially beyond the thirteenth year when it dominates the resting tracing.
Alpha rhythms are reported to be derived from the white matter of the brain.
The white matter can be considered the part
The white matter can be considered the part of the brain that connects all parts with each other.
Alpha is a common state for the brain and occurs whenever a person is alert (it is a marker for alertness and sleep), but not actively processing information.
They are strongest over the occipital (back of the head) cortex and also over frontal cortex.
Alpha has been linked to extroversion (introverts show less), creativity (creative subjects show alpha when listening and coming to a solution for creative problems), and mental work.
When your alpha is within normal ranges we tend to also experience good moods, see the world truthfully, and have a sense of calmness.
Alpha is one of the brain’s most important frequency to learn and use information taught in the classroom and on the job.
You can increase alpha by closing your eyes or deep breathing or decrease alpha by thinking or calculating.
Alpha-Theta training can create an increase in sensation, abstract thinking and self-control.
In our car scenario, Alpha would represent neutral or idle.
Alpha allows us to shift easily from one task to another.
BETA (above 12 Hz)
Beta activity is ‘fast’ activity.
It has a frequency of 14 and greater Hz.
It reflects desynchronized active brain tissue.
It is usually seen on both sides in symmetrical distribution and is most evident frontally.
It may be absent or reduced in areas of cortical damage.It is generally regarded as a normal rhythm and is the dominant rhythm in those who are alert or anxious or who have their eyes open.
It is the state that most of brain is in when we have our eyes open and are listening and thinking during analytical problem solving, judgment, decision making, processing information about the world around us.
Beta would represent overdrive or hyperdrive in our car scenario.
The beta band has a relatively large range, and has been divided into low, midrange and high.
LOW BETA (12-15HZ): Distribution: localized by side and by lobe (frontal, occipital, etc)
Subjective feeling states: relaxed yet focused, integrated
Associated tasks & behaviors: low SMR can reflect “ADD”, lack of focused attention
Physiological correlates: is inhibited by motion; restraining body may increase SMR
Effects of Training: increasing SMR can produce relaxed focus, improved attentive abilities,MID BETA (15-18hz): Distribution: localized, over various areas.
May be focused on one electrode.Subjective feeling states: thinking, aware of self & surroundings
Associated tasks & behaviors: mental activity
Physiological correlates: alert, active, but not agitated
Effects of Training: can increase mental ability, focus, alertnessHIGH BETA (above 18hz): Distribution: localized, may be very focused.
Subjective feeling states: alertness, agitation
Associated tasks & behaviors: mental activity, e.g. math, planning
Physiological correlates: general activation of mind & body functions.Effects of Training: can induce alertness, but may also produce agitation
- GAMMA (above 30 Hz) GAMMA (above 30hz Hz): Distribution: very localized Subjective feeling states: thinking; integrated thoughts Associated tasks & behaviors: high-level information processing, “binding” Physiological correlates: associated with information-rich task processing Effects of Training: not known Gamma is measured between 30 and 44 (Hz) and is the only frequency group found in every part of the brain.
- When the brain needs to simultaneously process information from different areas, its hypothesized that the 40Hz activity consolidates the required areas for simultaneous processing.
- A good memory is associated with well-regulated and efficient 40Hz activity, whereas a 40Hz deficiency creates learning disabilities.
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The Infinite Powers Of Your Mind