Are You Tired Of Suffering From Autoimmune Diseases, harmful Addictions, Negative thoughts & Self-Destructive Behavior Patterns?
The Answer that Will Cure Your Suffering Is Our Chakra Detox solution To Redirect & Change Your Lifestyle!
Click The Link Below & To Book A Call With Us & Start Your Chakra Energy Detox Program Today!

The Alkalign Lifestyle Chakra
Energy Detox Program
Step 1- We Dissolve Your Inflammation & Enhance Blood Flow By Grounding You
- We begin the process of dissolving your inflammation and enhancing blood flow without the aid of anti-inflammatory medications and drugs.
- Connecting yourself to the bare earth has tremendous anti-inflammatory capabilities. Antioxidants are electron donors, and the best electron donor, we strongly believe, is right under our feet: the surface of the Earth, with its virtually unlimited storehouse of accessible electrons. Our modern lifestyle has taken the body and the immune system by surprise by suddenly depriving it of its primordial electron source.

Step 2 - We Rehydrate Your Body With - ORP Drinking Water

- We’ll include for you a kangen water ionizer with negative ORP electrolyzed water to you for drinking which has an ORP of -691. This is another way to create flow in the body and to assist the body in rehydrating your cells and ridding it of toxicity.
- Think of this concept, when your born your over 75% water but as you age this percentage starts to decline. The average percentage of water of a person 60 plus years of age is around 60%. What happened to all the water, they diluted it with food stuff, mixed drinks, maybe alcohol, or coffee or sodas which are mainly caffeine.
- Throughout your years you have steadily decreased in water and expected to live the same energizing vitalizing wonderful life.
Step 3- We Teach You A Plant Based Biolectric Food Diet To Restore Your Mineral deficiencies
- Traditionally people have been told to count calories, to count protein and their macros. We introduce a new way to think of the concept of food energy measurement and that’s using angstroms. Angstroms are the measure of energy by the wavelength of a substance.
- Since existing is vibrating, including the chair you’re sitting on, the screen you’re reading this article on, and every cell in your body, this vibration needs electricity. The more acidic the food stuff that you consume the more acidic your blood PH becomes, and the more acidic the less electric.
Step 4- we cleanse your Brain With Awaken & Replenish

- Included In Your Chakra Detox Program is 16 Oz of our Awaken- Daytime Herbal Formula & 16 oz of our Replenish Nightime Herbal formula. The sewer system of the body that removes waste material and toxicity is called the lymphatic system. There’s another sewer system that’s important to our health and vitality and that’s the glymphatic system of the brain. When this system gets backed up its because the lymphatic system is already backed up. The system of the brain needs an adequate supply of water to remove the waste products and toxins from the grey matter surrounding the brain.
- The environment in the brains glymphatic system consists of cerebral spinal fluid and interstitial fluid while the bodies lymphatic system consists of blood and interstitial fluid. The common ingredients within both of these systems are interstitial fluid and water. The brain requires the most water of any organ in the body, however most of today’s water including the commercialized alkaline water’s cause dehydration instead of rehydration. This leaves the brain without the substance it needs as well as the transport of oxygen and amino acids like tryptophan that are essential for the numerological communication between the brain and parts of the body.
Step 5- We Use Repetition To Reprogram your Subconscious Mind & Change Your Habits
- We inlcude an MP3 player preloaded with affirmations for you to play overnight as you sleep and during the day as your awake. All the repetitions that you do will vibrate much faster and at a greater speed to attract your desires if you practiced the LAW Of Vibration and not solely the LAW Of Attraction. Your always going to attract what your in harmony with and whatever your in harmony with changes as your frequency changes.
- The use of the “I Am” principle states that whatever you say after the words “I AM” you become. So if you say “I AM” tired you must become tired and if you say “I AM” healthy you become healthy. All of this is predicated on if you know who your talking to. We live in a unified field meaning all of us are connected through the quantum field and all of us have all of us inside of us. the principal known to scientists known as the singularity states that everything is connected at every point in time and point in space.

Step 6- We Teach You To Allow Pleasure by Proper Use Of Your Imagination & Sexual Energy

- Many of us are so blocked sexually we never actually get receive pleasure. We seldom understand the connection between intimacy and sexuality and how this suppression of this most vital energy affects us throughout our lives.
- Your psychic health as it was called over a century ago depends on orgastic potency. This is the degree to which one can surrender to and experience the climax of excitation in the natural sexual act. It is founded upon the healthy character attitude of the individuals capacity for love. Psychic illnesses are the result of a disturbance of the natural ability to love.
- As a child if we are taught to suppress our sexuality and curiosity we grow into adults who suppress there sexuality and curiosity. Leading to a person who cannot without condition surrender to love. This is big because the majority of religions teach you that sexuality is not to be expressed or even talked about as this is looked down upon as something bad. Your suppression of your sexual energy will cause you to block the energy distributed within your own body, leading to disease and discomfort and most of all disharmony.
Step 7- We Train Your Body To Increase Flexibility & Grow Stronger Muscles
- Many People Don’t Actually Know How To Breath, They Move Fast, They Walk Fast, They Talk Fast, They Train Fast, They Don’t Know That By Relaxing They Are Stronger, Faster, Speak Clearer And More Articulately And They Create More Flow In There Body With A Better Consumption Of Oxygen. When You Train Your Body There Is No Limit Or Proper Angle For Anything To Be Done, On The Contrary Forcibly Limiting Your Range Of Motion To Fit A Traditional Squat Or A Traditional Deadlift Or Shoulder Press Will Weaken You In The Overall Range Of Motion Than In The Position You Work.
- Because So Many People Focus On The Middle Of The Movement And Lose Track Of Their Breath Because They Are Lifting Such Heavy External Weight. The Trick Is To Limit The Weight And Increase The Movement. This Trains Your Mind And Body To Be Present At All Times. It Allows You To Trust In The Present Moment. So In A Simple System That Is Made To Realign Your Body To Its Natural Alkalinity
- When You exercise you are feeding yourself a cocktail of happy chemicals and releasing endorphins. You only gain to achieve health when you exercise properly under the right conditions and with the right intentions.